What does "ISHA" stand for? Find out and join the club!

WELCOME TO THE ISHA ("ee-sha') GIRL CLUB - where you don't have to be a girl to join in the journey!

Simply incorporate the following principles into your everyday life and you're "IN"! So, come join the "ISHA GIRL CLUB" and join me in my journey to better overall health of mind, body and spirit!

ISHA GIRLS are "bold, beautiful, confident and tuff"...their confidence lies in God and they are "SHINERS". They identify their strengths and unique talents and spend time developing both so they can enlighten and uplift others with their gifts.

SERVE others & SPREAD "Aloha"/HEART
ISHA GIRLS know "to find one's life, they must lose it". With "aloha" (LOVE) in their hearts they serve. This humbles them, broadens their perspective and increases their compassion while decreasing judgement, fear and selfishness.

ISHA GIRLS have a "go green" mentality in how they live their lives. They respect their bodies (exercise, eat right and get rest) and their Earth (reduce, reuse and recycle).

ACQUIRE further light & knowledge/OWL
ISHA GIRLS never stop learning. They are invigorated by obtaining new knowledge, broadening their scope and improving their minds through both temporal and spiritual study.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Gi8:Daily Calendar-Week 4

Daily Calendar-Week Four-"Cease" Negative Habits

__Monday:  Turn in your points to Alli by 5pm.

Do one of the following six things each of the other days. You may do them in any order, but only one will count per day & must be 
done on that day.

__ Eat 2 servings of bad food without counting any points.

__ "Cease to be unclean": Clean a part of your living space or car that you have been meaning to do for a while but just haven't gotten to it. (If your house is spotless and every closet & drawer uncluttered, then mop your kitchen floor!) 

___ read D&C 88:124 & D&C 10:4*

___ "Arise Early": Get up and read your scriptures and exercise before 8am

__ "Retire Early": Get 8 hours of sleep one night

__ "Cease to find fault": 5 points for praying for someone you may have found fault with before or you need to forgive.

 *D&C 88:124

 124 Cease to be aidle; cease to be bunclean; cease to cfind fault one with another; cease to dsleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be einvigorated.

D&C 10:4
 4 Do not run afaster or labor more than you have bstrength and means provided to enable you to translate; but be cdiligent unto the end.

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